
Adamnazir Your Dependable Guarantee!

Life Insurance

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  • Individual
  • Life Insurance

With Adamnazir Life Insurance plans, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that your family will not struggle or be left alone in case of your unfortunate and untimely demise. And that their future and financial needs are safeguarded.

Here are some reasons why we think you should consider Life Insurance:

  • To protect your family and loved ones; find comfort in knowing money will be available to protect your loved ones in the event of your passing.
  • To pay off debts and other expenses; your family needs insurance to cover any outstanding debts, like the mortgage, credit cards, and car loans.
  • It’s fairly affordable!
  • To bring peace of mind; we can’t know when we’ll pass away. It could be today, tomorrow or 50 years from now, but more than anything, life insurance can help provide protection for the uncertainties in life.

Now, what can Adamnazir offer you?

Individual Life Insurance, it’s as simple as it sounds, you first determine the sum insured, mostly it ranges between AED 50,000 – unlimited, and beneficiaries, and based on that we determine the insurance premium, and then proceed with policy issuance.

  • Our Strengths in Individual Life Insurance Cover:

    • Loan cover; no matter how much it is, we will cover it!
    • Mortgage cover.
    • Protection to safeguard your family’s future.

    Interested in Adamnazir’s Life Insurance?

    Contact us at info@adamnazir-ae.com!

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